We love helping our clients manage their books of accounts and minimize losses that result from mismanagement in bookkeeping.

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Certifiable Accounting Services Canada Wants


Accounting and Bookkeeping

The worst pain you can ever go through as a businessperson is when books don't add. It can be so hectic and nerve-wracking. But do you have to suffer such pain when we have a proven solution? Absolutely NO. eFinancialz keeps track of your business transactions and thrashes out accounting errors. Our team of proficient accountants handles errors of omission, commission, double-entry, complete reversal, and what have you. Learn More


Payroll Services

Companies and organizations lose their cash in fines resulting from error-prone payroll systems. A payroll that gets you in the wrong books with the government hurts your reputation. Are you ready to lose your hard-earned cash or see your business suffer a bad reputation? If your answer is No, we have a solution for you. We offer perfect payroll services that observe best practices in payroll management. Learn More


Financial Reporting

Your financial statements should always reflect the actual financial position of your business. Balance sheets, cash-flow statements, and income statements can be accurate. But only if you get your accounting and bookkeeping right. Financial reporting aims at tracking and analyzing all these. It helps you make informed business management decisions that move your business from strength to strength. And that's what every entrepreneur looks forward to achieving. Learn More


Corporate Tax Returns

Tax compliance is a requirement you cannot avoid. Our team of certified professional accountants helps you remain tax-compliant at all times. Besides, we always monitor the tax regulations scheme for any changes that the government may effect. Ignorance is not a line of defense. And so, you don't want to pay heavy fines because you were not aware of the changes. Learn More


Personal Tax Returns

Failing to file your tax returns attracts a penalty. Also, filing the returns the wrong way may as well land you on the wrong side of the law. That's why we help people file their tax returns in Canada. And we do it right to ensure you do not violate laws that govern taxation and suffer the consequences thereof. Learn More



Budgeting helps you streamline your expenditure. It is a challenge to many companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and even individuals. For that reason, our team of experts will help you set realistic and attainable financial goals. They do so by identifying your income, expenses, and needs. Besides, they use a budgeting approach that suits your business model and financial muscle.


Projection and Forecasts

Projection and forecasting are essential in the budget-making process. We make a critical financial analysis of your past and current performance. And we, thus, make projections and forecasts into a foreseeable future. Moreover, we identify uncertainties that might render the projections and forecasts unachievable. We then find ways of sidestepping whatever challenge that may arise.


Accounting System Design

eFinancialz has a team of Software developers with wide knowledge and experience in Accounting solutions. We design a package that suits your business model and meets your objectives as an entrepreneur. Furthermore, we deliver a flexible application to you. That means it can accommodate any changes you may have in your accounting procedures without affecting its accuracy.

How we Work

We do an exhaustive analysis of your business process to understand the flow of processes.

The aim here is to come up with an accounting solution that will satisfy your business objectives. Not only that. You get a package that conforms to Canadian accounting standards. Here is the procedure that culminates into an accounting package on which you should not miss out as an entrepreneur:
Contacting us
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You can reach us directly through phone or email. If you need more information, visit our official website where you will be provided with an inquiry form to feel. We will respond to your question with detailed answers of what you wanted to know about our offers and anything else
Requirement Analysis
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Your requirements will be analyzed with our system analyst who will get assigned to you. The analyst will recommend any needed changes after studying the system in use. During analysis, the analyst will determine user expectations. This stage will also look at the technical and economic feasibility of the system.
Pricing & Contracting
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We need to know the services that you are going to need by analyzing the system. The complexity of transaction will determine the price which is fixed most of the time. Other elements that will affect the price are types of engagement needed and the level of expertise required.
Project Implementation
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Our project implementation goes through a lot before being finalized. We make every step count to ensure content ideas flow well so that we can help you meet your expectation. By the time we are through, you will be satisfied with the outcome that will give you value for your money.
Consistent Results
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You will get the best desired results based on your financial requirements. As we proceed with our work, we are always ready for your recommendations and feedback. We are always glad to help you meet your financial goals by doing per minute cosmetic changes in your financial statement.

Our Favourite Tools

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Our Statistics Tell It!

We have enough data to support our track record.


Year Founded


Years of Experience


NTRs Processed


Bookkeeping Finalized

Why Choose Us

Technology can't replace the human element. It can streamline everyday or complex tasks, and that's why we love it.

We take care of the needs of our clients and ensure they get value for their money. You can rest assured of services that solve many problems you face in managing your business. We are thorough in the different approaches we use in service delivery. Above all, we maintain high standards of data security.
Our prices are reasonable, and we always align them with the prevailing market rates.
We give each client equal priority. Every client contributes to keeping us afloat in an ocean of stiff competition.
We offer unlimited support akin to the services we provide. Additionally, we respond faster with a solution to whatever concerns you may raise. The support continues for the entire period the system is in use.
You don’t have to wait for long before you get different financial reports. The system avails them to you at the click of a button. Plus, the reports you get are accurate and credible as long as data entry is correct. Note that an incorrect input will always yield an incorrect output—garbage in garbage out (GIGO). Therefore, we insist on correct data entry to avoid the hassle of tracing incorrect entries. It can be a burdensome exercise that consumes lots of time.

We use cloud-based solutions to help you run your business on the go. We work with clients all across Canada – from Vancouver to Calgary and Toronto to Halifax – we have you covered!

Cloud accounting is the way to go. It lets you gain easy access to your system, post transactions, take data backups, and much more.


You're in good hands.

e finance

Accounting Data Safety

Books of accounts are sensitive and confidential. Therefore, maintaining the security and privacy of your data is our cardinal responsibility. We ensure your data remains secure in our hands at all times.

We enter into an agreement of commitment to data security with our clients to allay fears of mistrust. It’s a binding agreement upon which neither party should overstep.
The security of your data starts with the security of your workstations. Our team comprises data security specialists who perform wide-ranging system security auditing. They also monitor your system at every stage of implementation. And this is what you get:-
  • Dual-Monitor workstations that support an electronic environment.
  • Controlled internet access, where we permit users to access only content that is relevant to their different lines of duty.
  • We restrict the use of CD drives, Floppy drives, and USB ports to avoid unauthorized copying of your data.
  • We ensure that no shred of paper is allowed to be taken out of office premises.
We provide you with a cloud storage service with a high level of protection. The system allows you to transfer electronic data via the internet. It uses 128-bit data encryption technology for data transfer with AES key encryption. That is, by any standards, a high level of security in the data security industry.

eFinancialz is not an ordinary accounting firm. We go out of our way in ensuring your information system is well secure. Our security experts install biometric fingerprint scanners. Your employees have to log in to gain access to your premises. Moreover, we protect your network by installing a firewall. Why? Because it guards against intrusion from the many snooping eyes in cyberspace. Furthermore, you get a paperless system to avoid the leaking of confidential data through printouts.

The payroll system has a human resource module. It helps you to store a lot of information about an employee. Integrity is one of the employee attributes we capture in the payroll system. You don’t want a dishonest employee to saw seeds of dishonesty in your team. So, the payroll system has a provision for capturing records of employee integrity. Proper integrity assessment should start right away from the recruitment stage. And it should continue for the period in which an individual is part of your human resource. Besides, you can also store data on employee background and referral. We offer payroll services to some companies where employees sign a secrecy agreement. Our payroll system allows you to store data on that too.

Get gratifying Accounting, Bookkeeping, Tax Returns,
and Many More Services Now!

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